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Town, county planning commissions hold joint meeting

The Archuleta County Planning Commission and the Pagosa Springs Planning Commission held a joint meeting on July 9, with a range of topics discussed. 

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County unemployment rate rises to 3.7 percent in June

According to a July 19 press release from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), Archuleta County’s unemployment rate rose to 3.7 percent for the month of June, up from 3.6 percent for the month of May.

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Rains bring local flooding, damage

Recent rains over the past month have been beneficial for relieving drought around Pagosa Country, but, with that, multiple homes and businesses in the community have had to deal with cleaning up and rebuilding after having their property damaged by flooding from the exterior.

LPEA and 4CORE to host Sunnyside Community Solar application event

La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) and the Four Corners Office for Resource Efficiency (4CORE) are announcing an upcoming application event for the Sunnyside Community Solar program.

ColorFest event tickets now on sale

The summer is flying by, and fall is right around the corner.  That means that planning for ColorFest activities, Sept. 20-22, is in full swing. 

State opens applications for up to $10,000 for aspiring educators

The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) invites aspiring educators to apply for up to $10,000 in financial assistance for educator preparation program fees. 

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Archuleta County Assessor Johanna Tully-Elliott provided a report on the 2024 valuation of property in the county, as well as on protests of valuation and their results, to the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) at its July 16 meeting.

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This years’ Fourth of July celebrations drew in big crowds, with more than 63,300 people visiting Archuleta County from July 3-7, according to a Placer report provided by Tourism Director …

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Council to consider parking lot at Town Park athletic field

The Pagosa Springs Town Council will consider a project to add parking at the Town Park athletic field at its Thursday, July 18, meeting. 

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Commissioners discuss road projects with CDOT

At its July 9 work session, the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) held an annual discussion with representatives from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).

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May sales tax revenue up over 4 percent compared to 2023

May sales tax collections are up more than 4 percent compared to last year’s figures, according to reports from Archuleta County Finance Director Chad Eaton.

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Commissioners hear county airport update

At its July 9 work session, the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) heard an update from Airport Manager Chris Torres on ongoing work and issues at the airport.

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Framing for homes being built for the Pagosa Springs Community Development Corporation’s (PSCDC’s) workforce housing project phase one is scheduled to begin this week, according to PSCDC Executive Director Emily Lashbrooke.

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At its July 15 meeting, the San Juan Water Conservancy District (SJWCD) Board of Directors voted to move forward with a request for proposals (RFP) for a reservoir manager for the organization’s reservoir project at Running Iron Ranch.

Digital marketing classes to be offered in August

The Pagosa Springs Area Chamber of Commerce will be offering three days of digital marketing classes, Aug. 12-14, both in the morning and afternoon. 

Volunteers needed for upcoming events

There are a number of community events coming up.  It’s one thing to attend a function, but could you spare some time to volunteer? So many organizations produce wonderful events benefiting the community and offering much-need services. These organizations provide services and amenities that perhaps you or your family partake of.

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Town council reviews top goals and objectives

On June 27, the Pagosa Springs Town Council held a work session to review its goals and objectives.  The purpose of the session was for the council to hear updates from town staff on each of its major goals and objectives for the 2023-2024 season and then for the council to give staff some direction on these priorities for further action, explained Mayor Shari Pierce. 

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Town to begin negotiations with LPEA for property lease

On July 2, the Pagosa Springs Town Council approved a 30-year lease with La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) for the usage of 5.18 acres on town-owned property on Trujillo Road for the purpose of a new LPEA substation. 

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Dispatch board continuing look into operations

The Archuleta County Combined Dispatch Emergency Communications Executive Management Board held a special meeting on Tuesday, July 9, in which the board voted unanimously for the county’s employers council to conduct an investigation into complaints against Emergency Communications Director Devin Moffat.

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The Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District (PAWSD) and San Juan Water Conservancy District (SJWCD) boards of directors approved a grazing lease, as well as a sand and gravel lease extension, with the Weber family for Running Iron Ranch at June 13 and June 17 meetings.

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