Do you remember when God laid something on your heart to do? Your passion grew hot. You lost sleep at night. You told the world you had a revelation from God and it would be the most important work you would ever do in your lifetime. Then it fizzled out.
Maybe it was when you moved here. A lightning flash from heaven struck you silly. You were supposed to be in Pagosa. You couldn’t contain the excitement. You spent months planning your move. Now you wonder why you’re here. You made it through the winter, but are not sure if you can make it through another winter.
You have no motivation to finish the project. The new car smell has worn off and the payments go on. Sometimes we have to go back to visit the well and consider the source. What passion did we feel back then? It bubbled up in us and it pushed us forward. A word came from God and we couldn’t escape the assignment.
An epiphany came to me this morning through an email. Even if you were gung ho, but it doesn’t seem important to you now, it’s important to God if He told you to do it.
I felt the nudge last week to send a friend a vital resource for her marketing efforts. I had 125 names of Christian podcasters and radio interviewers. She could use them. I drug my feet. I was reminded again. I didn’t do it. Yesterday, in just a few seconds, I sent this list to her.
I received this email in return. “Amazing resource, Betty! Thank you for this. I will put it to use!
“I can’t tell you how grateful I am for you. The enemy has been relentless in trying to distract and discourage me. Your help always comes at just the right time. Thank you for your obedience to the Spirit. Love you, PB, Pagosa.”
I wrote her back. “God is on your side. I don’t mean that in a trite way. It was important to Him that you have this list. He prompted me last week to send it to you. Then I let it slide. Again on Monday, He said, ‘Send the list.’ I was being lazy. Then yesterday, He said, ‘Do it.’”
Oh my goodness. We have to be faithful. We don’t know where a person is and if they’re getting blasted by the enemy and need that fresh water so they can go on. We just know when He tells us to do it, He will keep on until we do it.
We all know the story about the woman at the well. She met Jesus there. He gave her the water of life, the living water. Jesus said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” He called it a gift of God. His words are gifts to you, for you, or for someone else.
“The water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:10,13,14). Is that fountain of water springing up in you? If not, why? What happened?
If you don’t have that excitement and that living water bubbling up in you, you might have to go back to the well, back to the source — Jesus.
Don’t lose sight of what God has told you at the well. He’s got a reason. Remember how the water gushed up in you and how He promised rivers of water flowing from you. That’s happening. But we have to draw the water from the source first, to quench the thirst in someone else.
A woman spoke a prophecy over me. I knew she was speaking from God. It resonated deeply in my spirit. She said, “I see a long white robe around you and the train is trailing behind you. It’s dragging the ground, but it’s not getting dirty. The train is clearing a path, a way, for others to walk on.”
Final brushstroke: By faith, I knew those words were for me. She had been to the well. I trusted her words. It settled a thirst in me that I had for years. Sometimes it takes someone else in our life to drink from the cup from Jesus’ hand. Be that person for others.
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