Matter of Faith

Entering eternity and the eternal now

I wonder. If I pray in the morning for the end of the Israel-Hamas war and for peace of mind and spirit for Daniel who is suffering alone in his room from a stroke, how can God receive and answer my …

Jimmy Carter: ‘Do this — not that’

Jimmy Carter, after a successful term as governor of Georgia, returned to his home in Plains. Instead of resuming full-time peanut farming, he embarked on an unlikely campaign for the presidency of …

The moral code of the Lone Ranger

“The Lone Ranger” was first aired by WXYZ radio station in Detroit, Mich., on Jan. 31, 1933.   Over the past 92 years, while opinions vary as to whether the leading character …

George Washington Carver: human being extraordinaire

“Love anything enough and it will reveal its secrets to you.” So said George Washington Carver, one of the world’s greatest of scientists, yet most modest of men. Glenn Clark, …

Replacing yearly resolutions with daily declarations

My father died on Sept. 15, 2013. Waiting for him to “declare himself,” as the neurologist described his comatose state, was the most exhausting experience in my life. As I dodged an …

Aunt Judy, a beautiful human

My Aunt Judy passed away the other day. She was a favorite with me and my brothers, and her passing brought up many memories. Many years ago — I’m guessing I was in eighth grade and …

A new Christmas perspective

My early age perspective of Christmas was skewed as much as most every child’s is today. The premise that Christmas is nothing more than getting goodies and gifts overshadowed the story of the …

A Christmas message: We are all of value

This holiday season is the most colorful time of the year. Decorating with evergreens, bright colorful lights, sparkly decorations and poinsettia flowers is meant to brighten the darkest time and …

Thanksgiving: cultivating gratitude and gaining happiness

Thanksgiving is more than a national holiday. As the names implies, thanksgiving is the expression of gratitude. Unfortunately, according to, in many American households, “the …

Believing what we don’t see

I was waiting at a red light at a busy intersection when something odd caught my eye. Two clunky-looking, modified Jaguar sedans had pulled up and stopped next to me, but when I glanced over, …

Subway sandwiches and our faith

Subway sandwiches are delicious. They taste good and are good for you. Not to mention, you, the buyer gets to choose what type of bread, meat, cheese and extras to put on your sandwich. Think …

Jesus shines, responds with authentic realism

Naked appearances in public — we’ve all had these disconcerting dreams. Psychotherapists and dream interpreters tell us this can indicate something hidden in our true nature needs to come …

Martha, Mary and faith

We all know that Satan has continually fought against the plans of God. From the very beginning (Gen 3:1-6), Satan was there in the garden tempting Adam and Eve, “… you’ll be like …

‘You are my pit crew’

David had battled with his inner demons for years, struggling to overcome the grip of alcoholism.   After years of false starts and broken aspirations, the true turning point came about a …

God desires relationship

My dog argues with me. When I’m gathering my keys, my wallet and heading for the door, I tell her she can’t come this time. She scrambles forward with an insistent bark and looks me …

National Back to Church Sunday set for Sept. 15

Did you know that there is a National Cat Herder Day, National Squirrel Appreciation Day and an International Bacon Day? Yes, these are among an onslaught of national and international days that are …

Choosing joy over happiness

With depression rates on the rise along with the onslaught of negative distractions trying to get everyone’s attention, perhaps it is time to reflect on one question: “Do you seek happiness or joy?”

A story from the heart

On the surface, it is coarse and hot where the sun beats down upon it. Disturb it enough with your fingertips for refreshing coolness and a distinct odor that is familiar and satisfying. Touching it, …

‘Martha, Mary, and Lazarus’

We have been visiting the lives of Martha and Mary in a manner similar to that once popular television series “You Are There” with Walter Cronkite.   After a tiring walk to …

Nostalgia: a trip down memory lane

As we get older, living in the past is common. Our brains accumulate more memories as we age. Most nostalgic memories are positive and produce a rush of euphoria or happiness. When you’re …

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