
LPEA ballots due by Sept. 17

The La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) Board of Directors has announced the cancellation of the 2024 director elections for two director districts, while the elections for Districts 1 and 4 will proceed as planned. 

Community Resource Center to host Lunch and Learn Sept. 30

Grant research and assessing private and government grant funding is critical for the sustainability of nonprofits in Pagosa Springs. To help build that capacity, the Community Resource Center (CRC) is hosting a free Lunch and Learn at the Ruby M. Sisson Memorial Library on Sept. 30 from noon until 1 p.m.

The Archuleta County Planning Department recently issued address changes for three parcels located on Old Gallegos Road that were incorrectly addressed on Colo. 151.   Old Gallegos Road was …

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On Monday afternoon, Archuleta County Commissioner Warren Brown, along with other commissioners representing Colorado Counties Inc. (CCI), presented to the state’s Cell Phone Connectivity Interim Study Committee.

Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission On Monday, the Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) adopted deep geothermal operations rules.   This is the first …

Taking advantage of business resources

This week there were two great opportunities to garner information to help you start or grow your business. 

State awards Region 9 funds for economic development professional capacity building

The Region 9 Economic Development District of Southwest Colorado will receive $34,000 through the Colorado Department of Local Affairs’ Rural Economic Development Initiative grant program to support training and data platforms that strengthen the skills of the region’s economic development professionals.

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Commissioners discuss airport water line upgrades

Stevens Field, Archuleta County’s airport, is in need of a new water supply line and multiple new fire hydrants in order to meet fire flow requirements, according to Jace Johnson, head of airport maintenance.

How Habitat for Humanity of Archuleta County strives for energy efficiency

Habitat for Humanity of Archuleta County strives for energy efficiency in all of our builds, from the insulation of the homes to solar panels on the roofs of the garages. As we continue our plan to build 15 homes in five years, we will continue to improve in sustainable practices.

USDA Rural Development awards Region 9 $90,000 to leverage timber businesses

The Region 9 Economic Development District of Southwest Colorado announced that it will receive $90,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Rural Development to work with Eco Strat USA to …

Colorado Department of Local Affairs awards Region 9 grant for broadband equipment

The Region 9 Economic Development District of Southwest Colorado and Southwest Colorado Council of Governments (known collectively as Region 9 EDD) announced that it will receive just under $1 …

West Slope Startup Week set for Aug. 19-24

Do you want to start a business, grow your business or partner with someone who wants to develop a business? Startup Colorado is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports rural …

Colorado’s tourism industry continues to grow

This week, the Colorado Tourism Office (CTO), a division of the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, released the 2023 annual tourism industry research reports that showed …

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At its Aug. 6 meeting, the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) voted to select ECOnorthwest as the consultant to perform a housing needs assessment for the county.

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Main Street Advisory Board recommends three new members

The Main Street Advisory Board held a regular meeting on Thursday, Aug. 1, at which three new members were recommended to join the board. The board voted unanimously to recommend that the Pagosa Springs Town Council add Mario Garcia, Santos O’Cañas and Darren Gantt to the Main Street Advisory Board . 

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Town council discusses salvaging workforce housing project

At a July 25 work session, the Pagosa Springs Town Council discussed the issue of workforce housing in the community, particularly a proposed project on town-owned property known as the Enclave at Aspen Village. 

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PAWSD receives clean 2023 audit

The Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District (PAWSD) Board of Directors heard and accepted the results of the district’s 2023 audit at its July 25 meeting.

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Following an executive session, the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) voted at its Aug. 6 meeting to table decisions on a letter of intent and a purchase and sale agreement with ArenaLabs LLC for the purchase of property for a county administration building.

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The Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District (PAWSD) Board of Directors approved a mainline extension acceptance agreement and a development agreement for utility improvements with the Timberline development at its July 25 meeting.

Last call to register for digital marketing classes

On Aug. 12, 13 and 14, the Chamber will host three days of classes and consultations focusing on improving your marketing skills. 

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