The Pagosa Unitarian Universalist (UU) Fellowship offers a monthly gathering we call Going Deeper Sharing Circle.
This Sunday, Dec. 8, from 11a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the theme will focus on gratitude in daily life and how moments of awe and wonder can help us be more fully in the present. We will explore interdependence as we honor the web of all existence and acknowledge our place in it.
This small-group ministry-style gathering is held the second Sunday of the month, which follows the guided meditation group held the second and fourth Sundays from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
The Going Deeper Circle is a time to come together in community and engage with a greater sense of that which brings meaning to our lives. We take time to check in with ourselves, listen deeply with an open heart — to one another and to spirit, however you define that.
These gatherings are part of our motto of “Grow Your Spirit,” which includes “Make Friends” and “Do Good.”
The fellowship is exploring ways to live more fully into our shared values of interdependence, pluralism, justice, transformation, generosity, equity and love, which is at the center.
Join us for light refreshments and journey with us as we build community in a safe, small-group setting. We meet at Unit B-15 of the Greenbriar Plaza, 301 N. Pagosa Blvd., on the north side facing the Pagosa Peak.
The website is another place to find more information about our programming with links to the most recent newsletter and the UU Association. We invite you to visit and join us in fellowship and spiritual growth.