The Sunday presentation on Jan. 19 at 11 a.m. will be “Planting Seeds in Your Spiritual Garden.”
Join Shayla Azriel on a visually guided meditative tour creating your spiritual garden blessing your present and future life. A love donation will be accepted.
Upcoming events
Jan. 21, 5:30 p.m.: Illuminations presentation: “Emotional Awareness, How Emotions Affect Your Health and Wellness” with Azriel, health scientist and spiritual guide, and lymphatic system therapist. A love donation will be accepted.
Jan. 25, 10 a.m.: Veterans “Thank-you For Your Service Day”. Veterans are welcome to receive a free day of massages, reflexology, Reiki and healing sessions, foot baths, pedicures and more from local therapists and healers at the SpiritFire Center for Inspirational Living. Sign up now for your free sessions by contacting (970) 510-0309.
About us
The SpiritFire Inspirational Living Center is a 501(c)(3). We are an all-inclusive community honoring all lifestyles, cultures and religious paths to the Divine.
SpiritFire Inspirational Living Center events are held at 3505 W. U.S. 160, on the second floor of the Pagosa Lodge (elevator available).