Taken from SUN files of
January 25, 1924
Pagosa Springs is without a school building as a result of a disastrous fire Wednesday night, when the combined grade and high school building of District No. 1, situated on the high round hill near the center of the town, was completely destroyed by fire of an unknown origin. In addition, all equipment and contents went up in smoke and nothing remains except the four brick walls of the structure.
The cause of the fire is a matter of conjecture, the most plausible theory being that of spontaneous combustion from coal dust in the basement, though defective wiring might be the explanation.
The hose carts were rushed to the top of the hill in short order by the volunteers who played in extremely bad luck. Connection was made with the fire plug at the base of the hill on the north side and all was set to throw upon the fire when it was discovered that the plug was frozen. When the water did start the plug broke and had to be abandoned. Another string of hose was extended to the plug near the Jas. Carlin barn on the east side, but it likewise was frozen when all was ready for the water. A third and longer string of hose was run to the plug near the livery barn on the southwest side of the hill, and water was at last obtained.
Taken from SUN files of
January 28, 1949
In the past several days many residents of the below named districts as well as residents of District One have been discussing the proposed consolidation of these districts. Late last week it was decided by people from all the districts to get up a petition asking for an election in this matter. The advantages to all of the districts and particularly to District One are many.
A Proposal for Consolidation of Four School Districts, No.’s 4,14,9, and 16 With District No. 1 is Being Considered.
The consolidation of these districts would form one large Special School District, bringing the students to Pagosa Springs for their schooling. Previous to this proposal of consideration, plans have gone forward for the construction of a new gym in District one, Pagosa Springs this spring. The present gym would be altered and used for additional class rooms which would take care of the students from these proposed districts.
It is felt that this proposal is of vital importance to the people of Archuleta County, and worthy of careful consideration. The Pagosa Springs Schools would be appreciably increased in size; which would result in better educational opportunity for all concerned.
Taken from SUN files of
January 24, 1974
The Upper San Juan Regional Planning Commission met Monday of this week for its regular monthly meeting. At that time a preliminary plat was approved for a subdivision called Holiday Acres. It is located just west of U.S. 84 between town and Echo Lake and is comprised of 200 acres.
Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Bogert are the developers of the subdivision which is primarily a residential area. Most home sites are in the three acre size range and the project will have a central water and sewage system.
In other actions the commission refused to grant a variance which was requested for a home site sale in the Blanco Basin and decided not to renew the contract of Regional Planner Rod Hebbert.
Taken from SUN files of
January 28, 1999
A routine tree cutting assignment designed to increase traffic safety has drawn the ire of several residents living along Piedra Road.
The cutting was carried out by county road and bridge crews along two stretches of the road where, according to Kevin Walters, county road and bridge administrator, a build up of ice following snow storms creates dangerous traffic conditions and has led to a number of accidents. Road and bridge officials hope removing the trees will let sunlight through to melt the ice.
On this occasion, county workers exceeded the limit by cutting trees on a greenbelt outside the 80-foot county right of way. As a result, Waynette Nell, Pagosa Lakes Property Owners Association general manager, appeared at the regular commissioner meeting.
Nell asked the county, in the future, to consider thinning trees instead of clear cutting, or to look for other solutions. She also asked that bushes cut from between Piedra Road and a cul-de-sac be replaced.