Summit students to present capstone projects at symposium


By Carrie Steadman

Special to The SUN

The Archuleta School District (ASD) is proud to announce the first annual ALP Student Symposium to be held Saturday, May 19, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Pagosa Springs High School commons.

The symposium showcases the talents of ASD Summit Program students, who will share the work that they have done this year related to their advanced learning plan (ALP) project of interest.

“I see the symposium as a way for students to model and practice for experiences that they may encounter later in life, such as a senior seminar or industry-related conference — an opportunity for our students to present their work to the general public,” said Gifted/Talented Coordinator Carrie Steadman. “It’s a great way to give them exposure while creating an atmosphere of innovation and idea sharing.”

Examples of the projects include: an experiment using hydroponics to grow wheatgrass; a model of a 3D digital pump bike track model; several displays of student-authored books and stories; and a student-action project supporting literacy.

An ALP helps accelerated learners target their interests and delve into topics on a deeper level. In every project, there is a problem-solving aspect that the students need to address.

“These projects, which have real life relevancy, promote students’ creative problem-solving abilities. They learn about important issues that they might even pursue after graduation,” said Steadman, who plans to make the symposium an annual event.

Admission is free. Refreshments will be served.