With the hope of warmer summer weather, the beautiful outdoor labyrinth at St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church is available to the public from dawn to dusk.
Tuesdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., a docent is available to greet you and offer information. The docent will leave you in peace to walk or walk the labyrinth with you. Feel free to stop for a chat in the shade of our picnic area after your walk.
This unusually large outdoor labyrinth is an approximate replica of the labyrinth built in the early 13th century in Chartres Cathedral in France. St. Patrick’s labyrinth offers a winding path that ultimately leads to a quiet space under the branches of a towering pine tree.
To walk to the center takes about 20-30 minutes. The center of the labyrinth is a place of calm, a place to sit quietly under the majestic tree, to listen to nature, to contemplate the thoughts that have come to mind, or to simply allow fears and concerns to be stilled. During this time one can offer prayers, recall poetry or Bible verses, or simply discover whatever surfaces to the conscious mind.
The walk is an immersive and transforming experience. The pilgrimage back from the center allows the walker to slowly return to the world, refreshed and, perhaps, filled with new insights.
St. Patrick’s is located at 225 S. Pagosa Blvd. The labyrinth is west of the parking lot by the large wooden cross and green labyrinth welcome station. At the station you will find materials on walking the labyrinth and scriptural quotes to meditate on as you walk.