By Michelle Chapman | St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church
St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church is pleased to welcome visitors to our labyrinth this summer Friday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon.
St. Patrick’s is at 225 S Pagosa Blvd. The labyrinth is to the west of the parking lot by the wooden cross and green labyrinth welcome station where you can find materials on how to walk a labyrinth and scriptural quotes to meditate on as you walk.
The labyrinth is open for walking on your own every day from dawn to dusk. During these special hours, one or two of our members will be there to greet you and offer information on walking a labyrinth. They will leave you in peace or walk with you if you prefer. Feel free to stop for a chat in the shade of our picnic area after your walk.
St. Patrick’s labyrinth is an approximate replica of the 11-circuit labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral, France.
It is designed to give you new perspectives on your life and world as you continually wind your way to the center. Walk slowly, concentrate on your breath and the view ahead of you ,and let thoughts drift away. By the time you reach the welcoming benches at the center, your mind may be clearer. Here you may sit in meditation on a line of scripture, with your personal mantra or just soaking up the breeze and listening to the birds. When you feel complete it is time to wind your way slowly back to your life, feeling refreshed and fortified with God’s grace.