Every May, the Town of Pagosa Springs performs an annual clean-up of Hilltop Cemetery.
This year, clean-up efforts focused on clearing out dead/overgrown shrubs and pine needles.
The purpose of this was to perform fire mitigation throughout the cemetery, to clear corners so that gravesites can be properly located and marked, and uncover headstones and markers that were covered up or displaced by lilacs.
Continued maintenance efforts will include some tree removal and trimming.
An ongoing project is the placement of permanent posts at the corners of blocks and lots. This will be followed by the removal of wood stakes that are scattered throughout the cemetery. The addition of posts will assist both staff and visitors in navigating the cemetery and locating gravesites.
Any questions or concerns about Hilltop Cemetery and the recent maintenance performed may be directed to staff at cemetery@pagosasprings.co.gov or by calling Town Hall at (970) 264-4151.