By Laurah Brock Young| Spiritual Experiences Group
of Pagosa Springs
Would you like to learn more about Eckankar?
Would you like to attend a fun and holistic educational event?
We will host an Eckankar booth at the WholeExpo in Durango Sept. 9 and 10 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. This expo brings together participants with conscious, holistic and ecological perspectives to invest in the earth, your health and your spiritual life.
One of the members of the Spiritual Experiences Group will be giving a talk on Saturday titled “Loving Yourself First.”
We would enjoy meeting you and will be giving out free “ECK Wisdom” books on topics such as past lives, dreams, soul travel and other spiritual-related topics. Our booth will have a wisdom wheel that you can spin for a playful way to receive spiritual insights.
The Expo will be held at the La Plata County Fairgrounds located at 2500 N. Main Ave. in Durango.
We hope to see you there.