The January monthly meeting of the San Juan Stargazers will be on Thursday, Jan. 9.
We will meet at the regular time of 6 p.m. for our social hour and final Christmas cookie feast or whatever you bring to share. The program will begin at 7 p.m.
We will meet at our regular location — the Community United Methodist Church on Lewis Street. Please use the convenient parking lot and side door that leads into the kitchen and fellowship hall. We keep the front doors locked.
Club activities
In January, February and March, we will be doing something new at our monthly meetings.
In January we will be using Astronomy Magazine. Many people started preparing at the December meeting, but if you didn’t, you can still “throw something together” during the 6 p.m. social time. Let Joan know you need help and she will amaze you with how well you can do.
There also will be a video lesson on how the planets in our solar system are organized. The James Webb will be providing information on how other solar systems are organized. We don’t know if there is a universal order or if there is a variety of patterns. This will be another mystery solved by the James Webb.
About the Stargazers
If you would like to join the San Juan Stargazers, you will also receive Reflector Magazine, which is the publication of the National Astronomical League of which you automatically become a member. To join both groups and get an excellent astronomy magazine, annual membership is only $25 per family.
You can join the club at any of our events or you can join using PayPal on our website,
Check out our continuously changing website with new information and spectacular photos. We can be your connection to our extraordinary universe.