Public input session: South 8th Street improvements


On Jan. 19, the Town of Pagosa Springs Planning Department will conduct a public input work session regarding South 8th Street reconstruction improvements slated for construction during the summer of 2016.

“The potential project area extends between Hwy 160 and Apache Street along South Eighth Street, effecting many residential properties and community organizations located along South Eighth Street,” said an email from Town Planner James Dickhoff addressed to SUN staff.

“Residents and property owners along South Eighth Street are strongly encouraged to attend the work session and to provide their comments on potential road and pedestrian improvements that are being considered for construction this summer,” the email continued.

It’s worth noting that any member of the community is welcome to share input, not just the residents and property owners of 8th Street.

According to the email, the work session will be held in the south conference room of the Ross Aragon Community Center, starting at 5:15 p.m., and both Davis Engineering and the staff from the Planning Department will present potential improvements that the town will consider to include in its project.

The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.