By Steve Merchant
Special to The PREVIEW
The Pagosa Springs Photography Club will hold its regular monthly meeting Wednesday evening, July 8, at the Quality Resort, and metal prints will be the topic.
Join the group for socializing at 6 p.m. (drinks and appetizers are available for purchase), followed by the program and short business meeting at 6:30 p.m.
The July meeting will be presented by club member Joseph T. Sinclair. Sinclair will be speaking about metal prints, which he first saw at a photo exhibit in Napa, Calif. The metal prints made the colors and images really pop.
Since then, Sinclair has experimented with a dozen metal prints of his own, visited the photo service where metal prints were invented in California and has made two nonexperimental fine art metal prints that have turned out very well and are hanging in his home. He expects to do all his prints on metal in the future.
Too, members are encouraged to bring 10-15 photographs of recent photo opportunities on a flash drive or CD for review and discussion, time permitting.
Photography enthusiasts at all levels of ability are invited to attend club meetings at no charge for the first meeting. If interested, you are invited to join for annual dues of $25 for individuals, $35 for a family membership and $10 for a student membership.
For more information concerning the meeting, contact Jean Moats at 507-1017, Steve Merchant at 264-1226 or TJ Reynolds at 731-9581.
The Photography Club will continue to meet the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Quality Resort.