By Jenna Gannon | Pagosa Arts Initiative
The Pagosa Arts Initiative is pleased to announce that we are running summer camps for ages kindergarten through incoming ninth-graders. The camps will be held July 11-15 for ages kindergarten through outgoing fourth grade and July 25-29 for outgoing fourth grade to outgoing ninth-graders.
During the elementary-aged camp, campers will be led through various activities such as mural painting, STEAM activities, outside play, creative play and various other activities. During the middle school camp, campers will be led through activities focused on digital art, video editing/creation, fine art skills and mural painting.
This year, we have a variety of fabulous art teachers: Kelly Lewis, high school art teacher; Rebecca Tenpenny, elementary art teacher; and Gracie Horras, an experienced videographer and YouTube professional.
The cost per camper is $175 and scholarships are available. To sign up, please visit and register on our Classes and Events page. For further information, please contact