The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center continues to forecast strong chances of El Niño continuing through the winter and into next spring, and local officials are continuing to urge residents to prepare now for the possibly heavy winter and wet spring.
In an update released Oct. 26, the Climate Prediction Center stated that there is an approximate 95-percent “chance that El Niño will continue through Northern Hemisphere winter 2015-16, gradually weakening through spring 2016.”
Too, predictions released by the government’s weather organizations continue to forecast a wetter-than-normal winter for southwest Colorado.
“Probably the biggest message is to plan ahead,” said Archuleta County Undersheriff Tonya Hamilton.
The Archuleta County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) is doing several things to help residents prepare.
Hamilton said the ACSO has started a list of people who are confined to their homes, cannot drive, are dependent on oxygen or who live alone and may need help throughout the winter.
To be added to the list, which will allow ACSO personnel to routinely check in on you and help arrange assistance you may need, call 264-8430.
Too, the department is urging the community to band together to look out for each other.
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