Staff Writer
In end-of-year tradition, and to meet statutory deadline, the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners certified mill levies and revenues for 21 governmental entities at its Dec. 17 meeting.
The combined total assessed valuation for all 21 entities is $1,942,553,201, with those 21 entities comprising the county, town, three school districts and 17 special districts that receive property tax revenue from Archuleta County property owners.
The total property tax revenue to be doled out to the 21 governmental entities is $17,353,400.
County and town
From that total revenue amount, Archuleta County government is slated to receive $5,308,010 from 18.233 mills on an assessed valuation of $289,044,330.
Of that, $4,216,001 is destined for general purposes, with $790,536 going to the Road and Bridge Fund and $263,608 going to public welfare (the Department of Human Services).
The Town of Pagosa Springs will receive $75,856 in revenue from 1.584 mills levied on an assessed valuation of $47,888,745.
Counted as a special district, the Pagosa Springs Sanitation General Improvement District receives revenue from 2.482 mills levied on an assessed valuation of $25,042,411, meaning $86,975 in revenue.
School districts
Three school districts receive revenue from property taxes in Archuleta County, with the bulk benefiting Archuleta School District 50 Jt.
A levy of 24.619 mills on a total assessed valuation of $261,658,356 will mean revenue totaling $6,441,768 for the Archuleta school district.
Ignacio School District 11 Jt. will receive $352,089 on its 13.173 mills from $26,728,043 of assessed valuation.
Bayfield School District 10 Jt. will receive $15,278 from it’s 23.222 mills levied on $657,931 of assessed valuation.
Special districts
Seventeen different special districts receive property tax revenue in Archuleta County, including Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District (PAWSD), several metropolitan districts, fire districts and more.
Among them, PAWSD, between its two districts, is set to receive $1,918,526 on a total of 20.456 mills levied on an assessed valuation of $186,132,371. That amount includes the two districts within PAWSD (uptown and downtown).
Several metropolitan districts will receive revenue from property taxes, with Aspen Springs Metro District slated to receive $182,863 from 14.642 mills levied on $12,488,905 of assessed valuations.
Archuleta County’s newest metro district, Colorado’s Timber Ridge, will receive $85,215 on a total of 9.984 mills levied on an assessed valuation of $8,8,535,240.
The Pagosa Fire Protection District receives revenue from 4.098 mills levied on $238,163,783 of assessed valuation, making for $975,995 in revenue.
The Upper San Juan Health Services District, from an assessed valuation of $261,658,356, will add $1,024,654 in revenue to its coffers from 3.916 mills.