Main Street Bethlehem returning to Centerpoint Church


Main Street Bethlehem is returning to Centerpoint Church Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings from 6 to 7:30 p.m. from Nov. 30-Dec. 2. 

It is free to the public, appropriate for all ages, and a great way to begin your Christmas season with family and friends.

“Come, let us adore Him ...”: The lyrics of one of our beloved Christmas carols invites us to come and gaze upon the baby in the manger, reminding us that He is Christ the Lord. 

The time of year for reflection is here, the calendar screams once again that 2023 is quickly running out. The snow helps confirm that another calendar year is almost over. As we prepare to look forward we must also look back, considering the events — both on the world stage and in our own personal lives — that have impacted us and will continue to do so. What have we learned? What needs to change? What do we need to do differently in the next 12 months if we hope to see different results? Do we even want to see different results? Is everything exactly as we would like it to be — relationships, marriage, family, finances, personal peace, mental health? 

If not, where do we turn? Who do we ask? Where do we go for answers that are trusted, true and proven to offer the results we are looking for? How can we know for sure that the path we choose will end up where we had hoped it would end up, with the results that we are looking for? 

Like most other important decisions that we make, we gather as much data as we can, read as many reviews as possible, compare, contrast, look for truth in the abundance of words, and then come to that place where we make a decision based on all the research we did. We often don’t have complete confidence that our choice is going to end up being the best one — but it seemed to be the best one at the time we made it. If it turns out to be a dud, we can always return it. 

You are invited to try that same process on examining the Bible to see what answers it holds for the questions that keep you up at night. Forget all the religion stuff, and don’t get all hung up with all the bad examples that are out there of what a follower of Jesus Christ is supposed to look like and act like. 

Start your research quietly, on your own, without anyone knowing, if that approach appeals to you, and ask God to reveal Himself to you if He is real. Pick up His book and begin your research.

I recommend the gospel written by the apostle John, the fourth book of the New Testament. Leave your prejudice, bias, bad experiences, hurts, frustrations with pastors, churches and church people behind, and simply read. Begin your research with an open mind. Ask God to show you that He is real. 

Don’t worry about what might happen or where this research might lead; don’t make any decisions before your research has even started. This is a difficult step for many — many times because of the bad examples and myriad mistakes made by others — but don’t let any of that change your determination to find the truth that you are searching for. 

This is extremely personal. It is between you and the Creator of the universe who desires to establish a one-on-one relationship with you. He is the Good Shepherd of Psalm 23 who offers to lead, guide, direct, protect, provide, encourage, welcome and walk beside you from those green pastures to His house forever, especially when the path leads through the valley of the shadow of death and great darkness. 

He offers to lead, but you have to be willing to follow. If you will, you will watch Him do the most amazing and incredible things for you to show you He is real, that He cares and that He can be trusted. 

If you would like to add another dimension to your research, come be part of our family at Centerpoint Church; check us out, put us to the test, see how we welcome you and offer you friendship without judgment. 

There are no strings attached, no hidden fees and no required behavior modification before you can attend. We are all sinners, all broken, all in desperate need of a savior. That’s why we gather as we do — to celebrate forgiveness, acceptance and a relationship with God that cannot be found outside of Jesus Christ. He is the baby in the manger who is the sinless Son of God who died on the cross to make our way from earth to heaven possible. 

Want an easy introduction to the family before the dreaded Sunday service experience? Come visit Main Street Bethlehem Nov. 30 through Dec. 2 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Centerpoint Church.

Walk the streets of first century Bethlehem, visit with shop owners, steer clear of the Roman soldiers, take in the sights and sounds of what Bethlehem might have looked like when Jesus was born. Stop by the manger, visit with Mary and Joseph, wonder with us at how much God must love us to give us His only Son to help us find our way to Him. 

There will be no preaching, no offering and no uncomfortable interactions, just a great way to begin your Christmas season with family and friends.

We hope to see you there. And, an invitation stands to join us on any of the Sundays in December as we consider together the true meaning of Christmas, culminating with our candlelight service on Christmas Eve. 

We pray your research leads you to the Christ of Christmas, the Savior of the world, who came to seek and to save all who will believe.