There will be no new faces on Archuleta County’s Board of County Commissioners following Tuesday’s election.
Incumbents for both districts — Steve Wadley, District 1, and Clifford Lucero, District 2 — were both victorious over their challengers.
For commissioner, District 1, the 5,105 votes cast were divided between Wadley (Republican), who garnered 4,005 total votes, and Julie Simmons (write-in), who tallied 1,100 votes.
“I’m happy for the support of the voters,” Wadley said.
Adding that he recognizes he did not win every vote in Archuleta County, Wadley said he plans to work hard to win the support of those who voted for his opponent. He also noted his plan to listen and be responsive to community needs and, “serve the community in the best way that I can.”
With a write-in candidate, all votes must be hand counted for that candidate.
June Madrid, Archuleta County election official, said votes for write-in candidates were required to include the candidate’s last name and had to show obvious intent to identify the specific candidate (for example, “Simons” would count, though “Simpson” would not). Additionally, Madrid said votes were counted if the name was written in, whether or not the corresponding oval was blackened.
The 6,083 votes cast in the District 2 race favored Lucero (Democrat) with 3,767 votes for the incumbent. Mike Hayward (unaffiliated) garnered 2,316.
“I just want to say that I appreciate the support the citizens of Archuleta County have given me the last four years, and I look forward to serving this county for the next four years,” Lucero said.
Lucero said that, while the county is out of its previous financial crisis, “we have a lot of work to do,” and the county has a number of plans and projects underway.
Voter turnout
Turnout in Archuleta County rang in at about 83 percent of eligible voters for Tuesday’s election, according to Madrid — 11 percentage points higher than the county’s voter turnout during the last presidential election.
“That’s really good for us,” Madrid said.
For the 2004 presidential election, voter turnout was 54 percent, but rose to 72 percent for the 2008 presidential election, Madrid reported.
Madrid said there are 10,181 registered voters in Archuleta County, though about 2,200 could not be contacted and were not used in determining voter turnout.
According to election totals, 6,716 total votes were cast in the election, with the majority coming from absentee and mail ballots.
Of the 6,716 total ballots cast, 4,049 were absentee or mail-in ballots. Another 1,473 ballots were cast during early voting, and the remaining 1,194 were cast on Election Day at one of three Vote Centers.