Special to The PREVIEW
Free square dance classes continue Wednesday afternoons Jan. 27 through March 9 from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. at the PLPOA Clubhouse in Pagosa Springs.
This introductory class has seven more weeks and is still open for registration. This is a fun, easygoing and free class available to families, couples and singles. Suggested age for children is at least 8 years old. Call Carla Roberts to enroll at 903-6478.
Wild West Squares with Caller Carla Roberts is a modern western square dance teaching program that starts at a basic level, so new dancers can quickly master enough calls (or dance steps) to experience the exhilaration of dancing in a group setting. Learn teamwork, stretch your mind and body and develop friendships with a growing group of enthusiastic dancers.
Help us to continue this great western heritage activity in Pagosa Springs. Come to town and kick up your heels. To best enjoy dancing, wear comfortable clothes and clean shoes.
Multi-instrumentalist, singer and performing arts specialist Roberts has taught and performed concerts in schools and fine arts venues in the western states for the last 35 years. Her Four Corners based “Wild West Squares” program is designed to bring the joy of modern western square dance to people of all ages.