By Carla Roberts
Special to The PREVIEW
Free square dance classes continue Wednesday afternoons Jan. 27 through March 9 from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. at the PLPOA Clubhouse in Pagosa Springs.
This introductory class has seven more weeks and is still open for registration. This is a fun, easygoing and free class available to families, couples and singles. Suggested age for children is at least 8 years old. Call Carla Roberts to enroll at 903-6478.
Wild West Squares with Caller Carla Roberts is a modern western square dance teaching program that starts at a basic level, so new dancers can quickly master enough calls (or dance steps) to experience the exhilaration of dancing in a group setting. Learn teamwork, stretch your mind and body and develop friendships with a growing group of enthusiastic dancers.
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