To assist Town of Pagosa Springs crews in the cleanup of the cemetery prior to winter, and to provide a safe environment for loved ones and visitors, please remove the following items from burial plots, driveways, paths or rights of way before Oct. 1:
• Fresh cut and artificial flowers, and shrubs.
• Flags.
• Statues.
• Disposable vases.
• Solar lights.
• T-posts and rebar posts.
Additionally, border fences, walls, and benches in disrepair will be removed or scheduled for removal.
Plots may be purchased at Town Hall and are for internment rights only. The land continues to be owned by the Town of Pagosa Springs, which is responsible for providing perpetual care and for setting rules of the cemetery.
Families and friends are more than welcome to care for the plot of a loved one within guidelines established by the Pagosa Springs Town Council, including the following rules:
1. Burials are not permitted without a completed application, available at Town Hall.
2. The planting of plants, shrubs, bushes and trees is not authorized.
3. The placement of fencing, border fences, T-posts, rebar posts and statues is not permitted.
A complete set of rules may be obtained from Town Hall or at
Town Hall is located at 551 Hot Springs Blvd.