Healthy Archuleta announces upcoming events


This Saturday’s Garden Conversation at the Pagosa Springs Community Garden will discuss heat in the garden. 

Come learn from fellow gardeners about how our gardens are fairing with heat. We will cover the dos and don’ts of watering your plants on really hot days. 

Please join us this Saturday, Aug. 24, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Bring your coffee and your questions.

Food drive

We are excited to announce our quarterly food drive on Saturday, Aug. 31, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at City Market. 

We invite you to support the food drive that supports the local food pantries in our county by purchasing nonperishable items. All the donations directly benefit those in need at the seven local food pantries in Archuleta County. 

Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and we thank you all as a community. You make a huge, meaningful difference in our community. Thank you for being so supportive. 

To learn more about the upcoming food drive, please visit the Healthy Archuleta website,

To learn more about the efforts of Healthy Archuleta, please visit or send an email to