On Thursday, Jan. 16, at 1 p.m. at the Community United Methodist Church on Lewis Street, the End of Life Education group will begin meeting again after a brief holiday break.
There is so much to learn about this topic. Most people plan and prepare for everything they do in life. Since few people know when they will die, death is something we seldom prepare for and certainly we don’t want to even think about.
But, like all the things that we prepare for which usually turn out pretty well, perhaps this taboo and unpleasant subject might turn out better if we face it, acknowledge it and prepare for it. Such a change in attitude certainly can’t hurt anything. Many cultures may be living life better with a different attitude. It is not like not thinking about death keeps it from happening. It is the only certainty in life.
This End of Life Education group wants to try something new, different and, perhaps, better. The group has met about 11 times. We have learned so much, but we have not had time for many discussions.
During this second group of meetings, beginning Jan. 16, we will have more discussions and sharing of feelings and ideas. I will be honest with you that I am not presenting a program that I am an expert on. I don’t think there are many death experts. Like with life, we are all muddling through. This is an experiment.
We are going to have a change in program format with showing one of many, many available films. I hope you will make suggestions. Then the film will be followed by a group discussion. We may break up into smaller groups. This is all evolving and anyone with input is welcome to share it. We want to have more group participation.
I hope you will join us.