The Early Childhood Council of Archuleta County (ECCAC) is pleased to showcase the educators from Seeds of Learning, Wings Early Childhood Center and Pagosa Springs Elementary School who recently completed a locally held college course.
This course was presented in collaboration with Fort Lewis College and the Durango Adult Education Center and was taught by Michelle Carpenter, an adjunct professor of Fort Lewis College. June 19 was the final day of class.
“This collaborative course is an offering to our early childhood educators in Archuleta County,” said Ashley Wilson, director of the Archuleta County Department of Public Heath and council president of ECCAC. “Through our partnership with Fort Lewis College and the Durango Adult Education Center, we deliver a unique program that teams rigorous academics with practical experience. This partnership underscores our shared beliefs that early childhood educators appreciate opportunities to grow and master the art of teaching. This is of critical importance as we invest in early childhood education. We are convinced that this investment is vital for the growth and development of our youngest community members.”
The course, curriculum methods and techniques, provided an overview of early childhood curriculum development, including processes for planning and implementing developmentally appropriate materials and experiences in early childhood programs.
The course focused on evidence-based practices, research and enhancing educators’ abilities to create nurturing and developmentally appropriate environments for children.
Beginning in late July, the ECCAC will offer another college course, toddler theory and practice, in conjunction with Fort Lewis College and the Durango Adult Education Center.
Wilson, who also serves as an adjunct professor at Fort Lewis College, will teach the course.
The intention is to support local providers as they address the pressing need for infant and toddler care and education in Pagosa Springs.
For more information on this course, please email Laura Mijares at