Creation Care to hold workshop on recycling, waste disposal


Creation Care Pagosa Springs is offering a workshop on recycling at its next meeting on Thursday, Feb. 22, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Community United Methodist Church (CUMC). 

Creation Care is a Christ-centered environmental stewardship organization dedicated to appreciating, protecting and preserving the natural beauty in our community and beyond. 

Workshop leaders will be Heidi and Chris Tanner, managers of Elite Recycling and Disposal. Both have been long-time community advocates for best practices in recycling and waste disposal. Bring your questions. 

This workshop is free and open to anyone in the community. 

Starting or increasing your personal recycling is one way everyone can help the environment. Friends of the Earth lists six ways recycling helps the planet:

1. Recycling conserves natural resources.

2. It protects ecosystems and wildlife.

3. It reduces demand for raw materials.

4. It saves energy: Materials manufactured from recycled materials require less energy than those created from raw materials.

5. It cuts climate-changing harmful emissions generated in landfills.

6. It reduces the overall costs of waste disposal.

Find out more at our next meeting. 

Meetings are held in the fellowship hall at CUMC, located at 434 Lewis St. 

The group offers a communal meal prepared by members, so if you are interested in coming, please contact organizer Sarah Riehm at so we have enough food.