The Board of County Commissioners will conduct a special meeting at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, at the county courthouse.
Following is the agenda.
Call to order.
New business:
A. Consideration of a grant agreement from DOLA to partially fund roof reconstruction at the county courthouse.
On July 23, 2013, the BoCC approved the submission of an application to DOLA for funding to facilitate repair of the county courthouse roof. The county requested $200,000 to cover construction costs estimated to total $468,133. DOLA agreed to quickly review the county’s application and on Sept. 3, 2013 has submitted to the county a $200,000 grant agreement. The grant requires a “match” of $268,133 by the county during the life of the project. Part of the match (currently expected to be about $43,648) can be covered from unspent Operations Contingency budget. The balance of the match can come from 1A fund balances; in particular, those amounts budgeted for the VOIP Telephone System and for Internet and network upgrades in 2013. Both of those projects will be completed in 2013, but are expected to (collectively) come in under budget by about $224,485
B. Consideration of an invitation for bid to perform roof reconstruction on the county courthouse.
The Archuleta County Courthouse has experienced a number of ongoing roof leaks and maintenance issues over the last several years. Amidst growing concerns of the integrity of the roof, Reynolds & Associates (architects and engineers) were asked to perform a detailed roof analysis, including determination of the severity of the problems, recommendations for repairs and anticipated costs of those repairs.
As part of their analysis, the roof was divided into six sections, with a separate analysis of each. Four out of six roof sections need to be replaced entirely, with two of those being in such poor condition that they should be considered a hazard under heavy snow conditions. The fifth section needs work, but is not critical. The sixth section needs work, but does not cover an interior space. Staff recommends that five of the six sections be rebuilt. The sixth section does not cover interior space and will be omitted to save money. Of the five sections recommended to be rebuilt, four sections (A, B, C and D) will require significant carpentry and general construction work prior to application of new roofing material. For this work, it makes sense to bid the job out, expecting the Prime to be a general contractor, working with a roofing Sub. This shall be Phase 1 of the roof reconstruction.
The remaining section of the roof (E) requires, for the most part, removing and replacing the existing roofing material. For that work, it makes sense to bid that job out separately, expecting a roofer to be the prime contractor. This shall be Phase 2 of the roof reconstruction.
Given these dynamics, the county would like to bid out the first four sections of the roof (Phase 1) right now, with instructions that as much work as possible be performed before the weather stops work, and then finish off the remaining work in the spring.
Over the winter, the county intends to separately bid out the fifth section of the roof (Phase 2). That work would be performed next summer.
The engineer’s estimate of the cost of the construction of Phase 1 is $189,726. Phase 2 is expected to cost around $180,550. Approximately $55,410 will also be expended on roof top condensers (air conditioners). All of these expenses will be covered from county funds (mostly 1A fund balances) and DOLA grant funding.