By Stan Counsell | Countywide Women’s Bible Study
The Countywide Women’s Bible Study is currently studying the awesome Book of John with chapter 3 just beginning. What a book John wrote while being led by the Holy Spirit. He was the only disciple/apostle of Jesus Christ that was transformed into being a follower of Jesus with abounding love overflowing for his Lord and the early church.
Once a young man of privilege, he was haughty, jousted for position, had a “thunderous” temper and was crippled by not seeing past his nose. Or, as we would say today, he was driving on a dark freeway with only his parking lights on. But, the love, grace, patience and true light of God molded him into a humble apostle — a profound transformation.
In his later years, John felt deeply moved by the Holy Spirit to write what we now call the Gospel of John. Later still, he penned three loving epistles and, while in declining health, wrote what is known as the Book of Revelation, also called by many the Revelation of Jesus.
With the beginning of chapter 3, a pharisee by the name of Nicodemus approaches Jesus at night and a majestic dialog ensues. Most of Christendom knows the surface of this true story, but there is so much more about “Nic” that waits to be discovered. Who was he? What happened to him? Did he play a crucial role in the early church?
And, since Pharisees were a devout class of highbrow “experts” of the law of Moses, what made “Nic” seek Jesus while the vast majority of his colleagues sought Jesus’ death?
Your moderator is an ordained women’s pastor of over 30 years. ‘Bert (Roberta) Counsell has a passion for God’s Word and disdains any exhaling of herself. She delights in guiding a study in which all the ladies are encouraged to share, question and interact with one another. This casual weekly gathering is laced with hearty laughter. Would you be interested in this nondenominational gathering?
The study meets in Grace in Pagosa’s spacious fellowship hall from 10 to 11:30 a.m. each Tuesday morning. The location is 1044 Park Ave., across the street from the Recreation Center. Come on over, the ladies would love to meet you.
For added information, please call (970) 264-9931.