Our Community Eats (OCE), a local nonprofit food pantry, relocated into a new building located on Navajo Trail Drive in September 2024. With that, the organization expressed concerns to the Archuleta County Planning Commission that it would not be able to afford the required improvements as determined by the county’s land use development code.
During a planning commission meeting held on Sept. 26, 2024, the commission voted unanimously to grant OCE a conditional use permit (CUP) in order to operate as a food pantry.
The approval of the CUP came with county staff’s recommendation to include three conditions: paving the parking area, landscaping improvements, and obtaining a drainage and grading study of property.
OCE president Kathrine Solbert explained during that September 2024 meeting that a new investor allowed them to purchase the property located at 197 Navajo Trail Drive, noting the organization is run completely by volunteers and it would likely not have the funds to cover the cost to pave the parking lot, add landscaping and have a drainage study performed.
County Development Director Pamela Flowers explained during that meeting that the planning commission would need to approve the CUP with the proposed conditions, but that the BoCC, as the board of adjustment (BOA), has the ability to waive the conditions.
The BOA then unanimously voted to approve the general variance request during the board’s Dec. 17, 2024, meeting.
On Jan. 7, the BOA unanimously approved its consent agenda, which included Resolution 2024-01 BOA.
Planning Manager Owen O’Dell explained the resolution is for the variance request that was initially approved on Dec. 17, 2024, for parking improvements, a grading and drainage report and landscaping requirements.
“You gave them a variance on two of the three items, so that resolution has the remaining conditions for the grading and drainage report,” O’Dell said.
The resolution notes that two of the three specific variance requests were approved: the paving and landscaping requirements.
O’Dell noted that the remaining condition of obtaining a grading and drainage report is outlined in the resolution.