By Randi Pierce
Staff Writer
A new advisory committee has been created in Archuleta County, in this instance to help with CSU Extension programming.
The committee was formed following two decisions by the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners Tuesday, Dec. 4 — the first establishing the committee, the second approving its bylaws.
According to Jim Smith, interim Extension agent, committees are an oft-used way to help Extension design programs for each community, as well as a way to keep grass-roots programming.
Smith said the intent is to have the committee be representative of the county population, later stating many Extensions around the country have several committees dealing with individual interests.
Extension administrative assistant Terry Schaaf noted the committee is discussed in a memorandum of understanding between the county and CSU that governs the Extension program. Schaaf also suggested the county look at updating that MoU.
The bylaws further define the role of the committee, stating, “The role of the Archuleta County Extension Advisory Committee is to cooperate with the Colorado State University Extension — Archuleta County Extension staff in attainment of the above purpose. This includes:
“a. Assist Extension staff in determining educational program content and establishing priorities, which will result in maximum participation of citizens.
“b. Promote a positive image of the Extension organization.
“c. Share in the coordination of the total Archuleta County Extension program, as well as the various committees that may be associated with these programs.
“d. Help develop the annual and long-range objectives for the Archuleta County Extension programs including participation in the execution and evaluation.
“e. Serve as an informal link in communicating the role of Extension to the people of Archuleta County while advocating Extension services and programming efforts.
“f. To assist in obtaining the resources necessary to carry out program requests in an effective manner.”
According to the bylaws, the committee will be made up of between five and nine members representing the program area, each serving a three-year term.
To begin with, in order to stagger terms, initial terms will be for one, two and three years.
Members will be appointed to the committee by the BoCC after being nominated by a nominating committee. Extension committee members are expected to attend quarterly meetings.
Ex-officio members , according to the bylaws, will not have voting power and will include representatives of the BoCC and Extension staff, and the 4-H Council president.
The BoCC voiced support for the committee, with Clifford Lucero saying it was important to carry on the work of former Extension agent Liz Haynes, who recently passed away, and he thanked Jim Smith for stepping into the interim role while a replacement is sought.
The Archuleta County Extension Office can be reached at 264-5931.