Volunteers from several different groups in Pagosa Springs that enjoy using — and caring for — area trails joined together on June 8 at Treasure Falls east of town to spruce up this “treasure” of a site in celebration of National Trails Day.
Thirty-five people of all ages bagged up litter, brushed and pruned Falls Trail and the parking area, weed-whacked the island area along the roadway, pulled invasive weeds and cleared gravel material that had washed down the main trail to the parking area.
They also used brush material and logs to block cutoff trails along switchbacks and constructed two large rolling dips on the trail above the parking lot to lessen erosion.
Groups represented at the event included the San Juan Outdoor Club, DUST2 mountain bikers, Boy Scouts and San Juan Back Country Horsemen (SJBCH).
Annie Pack, of SJBCH, who organized the event, told the volunteers, “I can’t thank you enough for the hard and valuable work,” noting, “the camaraderie was fantastic, and the beautiful site looks great.”