The Board of County Commissioners meets today at 1:30 p.m. at the county courthouse. The agenda is as follows:
Call to order.
Public comments: This is an opportunity during the session for the public to address the Commissioners on a subject not covered on the agenda. Step up to the podium, state your name and address for the record and keep your comments to three minutes (the board is not required to discuss your comment or make a decision regarding your comment, under this section).
Abatement hearing:
• Consideration of a Petition For Refund/Abatement Of 2011 Taxes by Zhena for Parcel 5693-123-08-034.
• Consideration of a Petition For Refund/Abatement of 2012 Taxes for Parcel 5699-133-17-008, owned By BWD LLC..
Land Use Regulation hearing:
• Consideration of Resolution 2013- consolidating two lots into one in the San Juan River Resort Subdivision Unit No. 2 for owner Larry A. Augsbury.
• Consideration Of Resolution 2013- consolidating two lots into one for owners Gerald and Tammy Lopez.
• Consideration Of Resolution 2013- consolidating three lots into one for owners William A. Gowan And Carol A. Gowan.
• Consideration Of Resolution 2013- consolidating two lots into one for owners Jack and Kendra Bridges.
• Consideration of the El Rancho Pinoso Conservation Easement PUD Amendment.
Consent agenda:
• Appoint John Egan to the Archuleta County Housing Authority for a three-year term to expire in October 2016.
• Reappoint Bill Delany and Kirsten Skeehan to the Archuleta County Housing Authority for three-year terms to expire in October 2016.
Payroll and payable warrants.
Regular meeting minutes.
Special meeting minutes.
New business:
• Consideration of a submittal of a State Trails Grant application to Great Outdoors Colorado on behalf of the PLPOA for a trails project.
• Consideration of a grant application to Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment for cleanup of an illegal waste tire site at 81 Pine Ridge Trail.
• Consideration to fill the Director Of Human Services vacancy.
• Consideration to fill vacancy of Fleet Manager or Fleet Shop Foreman.
• Approval of the agreement for public highway maintenance between the Board of County Commissioners and Aspen Springs Metropolitan District; the Board of County Commissioners and Alpha/Rock Ridge Metropolitan District; the Board of County Commissioners and Colorado’s Timber Ridge Metropolitan District; the Board of County Commissioners and Loma Linda Metropolitan District; and the Board of County Commissioners and San Juan River Village Metropolitan District.
The agreements pertain to Highway User Tax Funds (HUTF) and each agreement is the same for all Metropolitan Districts.
• 2012 audit presentation.
• Consideration of the Archuleta County Five-Year Strategic Plan.
• Proposed 2014 budget presentation.
Executive session, per C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b) and/or(e).
Public comments.