In a special meeting on Dec. 22, the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) approved resolutions pertaining to 2015 budget maintenance.
Four different resolutions were presented to the BoCC by Archuleta County Finance Director Larry Walton.
The first resolution Walton presented to the BoCC for consideration was entitled “certification of levies and revenues” on the agenda documentation.
“There’s 23 governmental entities in Archuleta County. The state law requires you guys to ... certify their levies and revenues every year. We do not mess with them, change them or modify them, but we have to levy the tax and certify a predecessor in some other offices,” explained Walton.
Separate entities include the county, the town, three school districts and 18 special districts.
Walton went on to explain that of the 23 entities, 22 submitted their certifications by the due date, which was Dec. 15.
“The one entity that did not (Los Pinos FPD/Mt Allison Fire District) indicated that they did not need revenue and chose not to submit,” reads agenda documentation used at the meeting.
“The certification documents are prepared, they raised a total, in property tax revenue, of $18,142,401,” Walton explained to the BoCC.
After Walton presented that particular resolution to the BoCC, Commissioner Michael Whiting asked if either of the other commissioners had questions or comments.
“The only thing I want to point out to the public is that when people see they’re paying taxes to Archuleta County, they think we get to keep all of the money, but we don’t,” said Commissioner Steve Wadley.
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