Progress on the future Veterans Memorial Park took a very necessary step forward during Tuesday afternoon’s meeting of the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners.
At the meeting, the board voted 3-0 to approve an exemption plat separating 6.9 acres from another tract of land within the Pagosa Lakes Property Owners Association, with that land slated to become the park.
The plat, which separates the 6.9 acres out of a 16.52-acre parcel, creating the park site and another 9.63-acre parcel, will allow for a legal description of the property, which will subsequently allow the PLPOA to deed the property to Archuleta County.
The property is located near Vista Boulevard, between U.S. 160 and Port Avenue.
Although the property will likely be deeded to the county in the future, it is a nonprofit Veterans Memorial Park group that will develop the park.
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