By Lynne McCrudden | St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church
The Rt. Rev. Bishop Kym Lucas, the bishop of the Episcopal Church in Colorado, will visit St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, Aug. 28, at 10 a.m.
She will serve as preacher and celebration for a liturgy of confirmation, reception and a celebration of new ministry with the parish’s rector, The Rev. Wren Blessing. All are welcome to join in this jubilant celebration. In 2019, Lucas became the first woman bishop and the first African American bishop in The Episcopal Diocese of Colorado’s 132-year history.
At 9:15 a.m. on Aug. 28, Bishop Lucas will convene a Q&A-style forum in St. Patrick’s parish hall. She will share about her participation in the recent Lambeth Conference of the Anglican Communion, a gathering of bishops that takes place in Canterbury, England, every decade. She will also answer any questions you have about her ministry and her hopes for The Episcopal Church in Colorado. Please join the people of St. Patrick’s in welcoming Lucas and in celebrating the gift of our shared service, worship and fellowship in Pagosa Springs.
Learn more about Lucas online at