By John McKenzie
Special to The SUN
Ditch and Reservoir Company Alliance (DARCA) is involving ditch and reservoir companies in Colorado’s Water Plan by hosting four free workshops across Colorado during July.
Colorado’s Water Plan is a state-driven effort to help find solutions to the ever-increasing demand for water. With the vision of prosperous ditch companies, DARCA’s workshops will involve presentations on the state water plan and also ditch company planning. The workshops have the focus of soliciting input concerning the state water plan from ditch and reservoir companies and their farmer/rancher shareholders. The workshops also have the purpose of informing ditch companies on the importance of their own internal planning so that they can do well in an uncertain future.
Schedule of the DARCA workshops:
• Brighton — Saturday, July 12, 8 a.m. to noon. Brighton Recreation Center, 555 N. 11th Ave.
• Grand Junction — Friday, July 18, 8 a.m. to noon. Ute Water Conservancy District, 2190 H ¼ Rd.
• Durango — Saturday, July 19, 8 a.m. to noon. Florida Grange, 656 Hwy. 172.
• Pueblo — Saturday, July 26, 8 a.m. to noon. Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District, 31717 United Ave.
The Ditch and Reservoir Company Alliance, a nonprofit organization established in 2001, is dedicated to serving the needs of mutual ditch and reservoir companies, irrigation districts and lateral companies. DARCA’s efforts include advocacy, education and networking.
For information about the workshops and to register, please visit or contact John McKenzie at (970) 412-1960 or