By Jeanette T. Bean
Special to The PREVIEW
“Everyone’s reason to Relay is as unique as their own personal story. At Relay, you can find healing, comfort and support from others who have faced cancer or who have lost a loved one to the disease. You have a chance to meet people in the community who are equally as passionate about finding an end to cancer in our lifetime. You can thank all the people who have done so much to support you through your personal cancer experience. And you can gather together with friends, family and colleagues to laugh, cry and create lasting memories.
“No matter why you take part in Relay, however, one thing is clear: with every step you take, you help the American Cancer Society save lives. With your help, we aren’t just fighting one type of cancer — we’re fighting for every birthday threatened by every cancer in every community. Each person who shares the Relay experience can take pride in knowing that they are working to create a world where this disease will no longer threaten the lives of our loved ones or steal another year of anyone’s life.”
This is the statement of the American Cancer Society on why we Relay. It can be put no more succinctly than in these words: We Relay because we care. We Relay because we hate the disease. We Relay because our lives have been affected by cancer.
When you join us on Friday, June 20, at 6 p.m. on the field at Pagosa Springs High School, we want you to make the effort to talk to the people there and to share your story. Healing comes in many ways and the grounds of the high school field that evening will be a healing place, indeed.
Contact chairman Rod Proffitt at or 903-9314 for more information, to make a donation, to purchase a luminaria, to sponsor or for any further information.