By Helen Richardson | Friends of the Library
Over the last several years, the Friends of the Library has contributed nearly $20,000 for new computers at the library, as well as money for books. In 2021, prior to the Friends’ merger with the Ruby M. Sisson Memorial Library Foundation, the Friends contributed $10,000 toward the expansion of the library. Expenses are minimal, so nearly every dollar you spend at the book sale is returned to the library.
Please plan to shop at the Friends’ book sale at the Community United Methodist Church (CUMC) at 434 Lewis St. this weekend. You’ll be supporting the Ruby Sisson Library while building your personal library. Shop from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday and from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday.
If you are a member of Friends of the Library, you are invited to shop early either day, from 9 to 10 a.m. If you would like to become a Friend of the Library, individual membership is $15, family is $25 and a lifetime membership is $100 per person. You can pay at the library or at the door at the book sale. Cash or credit cards are accepted.
Our thanks to the CUMC for donating their amazing space and to the volunteers who set up and take down the thousands of books for the sale.