Special to The SUN
The Veterans for Veterans of Archuleta County meet at the Quality Resort on the west end of town every Tuesday at 10 a.m.
At our upcoming March 4 meeting, we will have Dr. Brenda Maynes from the New Mexico Healthcare System, who will be talking to the group about mental health and suicide prevention.
She will be bringing along a newly-hired councilor who will be splitting her time between the Durango and Farmington clinics. This will be a good opportunity to find out what services are available to our local veterans and how to obtain these services.
The March 4 meeting will be our monthly breakfast meeting, with breakfast being served at 9 a.m. The meeting will follow at 10 a.m.
Those of you who are following the progress of having a re-adjustment councilor here locally, we still are waiting for the VA to post the contract proposal so we can have local, qualified interested parties apply. This was supposed to be posted back in October, however, we have run into delay after delay. We will continue to pursue this issue until it is resolved, hopefully very soon.
Just a reminder, this year we are adding an event that we hope becomes our signature annual event. The event is the Veterans for Veterans golf tournament, which is scheduled to take place on May 17. Look for more details about this event in the future.
Veterans for Veterans of Archuleta County is a local nonprofit organization developed to meet the needs of local veterans, including financial assistance, help during a move, transportation to a medical appointment, help in filing VA claims or dealing with the VA, providing firewood or water, help paying rent and utilities, finding housing/assistance for homeless veterans, computer/technical assistance, help during emotional distress, visiting shut-in veterans and those in the nursing home plus much more.
If you would like to make a donation to help our local veterans, you can mail it to Veterans for Veterans of Archuleta County, P.O. Box 5331, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147.
It is only through the generosity of our compassionate donors that the Veterans for Veterans of Archuleta County can offer its support to Archuleta County veterans and their families in times of great stress.