By Charlotte Ann Jones
Special to The PREVIEW
Operation Veteran Reconnect, an event presented by Veterans for Veterans of Archuleta County on May 4 at the Pagosa Springs High School, had over 90 attendees of veterans, family members of veterans and 28 agencies or organizations that serve the veterans of the Four Corners area.
The Pueblo Vet Center drove its 40-foot mobile unit over Wolf Creek to participate. Others came from the VA Medical Center, Community Services in Albuquerque, N.M., as well as agencies from Durango. Representatives of Sen. Corey Gardner and Rep. Scott Tipton were present. Archuleta County Commissioner Ron Maez was also in attendance.
Presenting the colors was the Venturing Crew No. 612, the Boy Scouts were ushers, and both helped with the cleanup. It was truly a community event.
The veterans of Archuleta County are grateful for the support show. Now, the Vets 4 Vets group is preparing for its annual yard sale on Saturday, May 12, at Airport Self Storage and the annual Memorial Day Golf Tournament on May 26 at the Pagosa Springs Golf Club.