The United States Postal Service (USPS) will conduct a meeting on Thursday, Sept. 24, at 1 p.m. in the Chromo Fire Station No. 7, located at 1495 County Road 382, for the purpose of soliciting public input on its proposal to relocate the post office in Chromo to a yet-to-be-determined site.
In an Aug. 27 letter to the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners, Bobbi Hergenreter, a real estate specialist for the USPS, explained, “At the public meeting, the Postal Service will identify the need, identify the tentative decision to relocate retail services, outline the proposal to meet the need for relocation, invite questions, solicit written input on the proposal, and provide an address to which the community and local officials may send written appeals of the tentative decision and comments on the proposal for a period of 30 days following the public meeting.
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