By Randi Pierce
Staff Writer
On Tuesday evening, the Upper San Juan Health Service District Board of Directors, which oversees Pagosa Springs Medical Center, voted to welcome Kate Alfred back onto the board.
Alfred was appointed by the board to fill the vacancy created by the January resignation of Dr. King Campbell.
Alfred previously served on the board from 2014-2020. She was appointed to fill a vacancy in 2014 and was elected to the board for a four-year term in 2016.
Campbell’s term was set to expire in May of 2022, with Alfred slated to serve the remainder of the term.
Alfred was one of five applicants to apply for the position and four to be interviewed by the Board Ad Hoc Search Committee (Greg Schulte and Karin Daniels).
“The Board Ad Hoc Search Committee formally recommends Kate Alfred to fill the board vacancy created by the resignation of Dr. King Campbell,” a report from the committee states. “On March 10, 2021, the Committee interviewed all four persons who both applied to fill the vacant seat and agreed to proceed with the interview process. The Committee asked each candidate a series of questions with each question being scored and weighted. Kate Alfred averaged the highest score. The Ad Hoc Search Committee feels that Kate Alfred will transition seamlessly into the vacant board seat. The Ad Hoc Search Committee thanks all persons who expressed an interest in joining the USJHSD Board.”
Schulte noted that one of the applicants withdrew their application a couple of days before the interviews.
The initial applicants were Alfred, Martin Rose, Mark Weiler, Christopher Envani and Rebecca Aucoin.
Schulte told his fellow board members that each interview question was weighted, with Alfred receiving the highest score.
All four applicants interviewed were very well-qualified, he suggested, and the scoring was fairly close.
He also noted that four board seats will be up for election in 2022.
With that, the board voted 5-0 in favor of a resolution appointing Alfred.