By Lisa Jensen
Special to The SUN
What are you thankful for today? Your health? Your family, friends and loved ones? The sun coming up every morning?
As we rush around to our jobs, while taking care of our family, getting all our chores done, fulfilling all the volunteer commitments we’ve made, sometimes we just need to take a minute to stop and remember what is most important.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
As Thanksgiving Day approaches, remember to give thanks every day, and to take care of yourself as you get it all done.
United Way is thankful for all the support our community gives to nonprofits that are working hard to provide basic services to the people who need it the most. Thankful also for the volunteers who help with our campaign and special events. Thankful to each and every individual donor. Thankful for all the businesses who support and partner with United Way’s fund-raising efforts here in Archuleta County.
Those businesses include 31 restaurants that accept United Way Dining Certificates. Treat yourself to a meal out, or give a dining certificate to someone you are thankful for. United Way is also thankful to Jann C. Pitcher Real Estate for our office in Pagosa Springs. You can purchase dining certificates by contacting the office at 731-0484 or We are thankful as well to the other places that sell dining certificates for us: the Pagosa Springs Area Chamber of Commerce, Ross Aragon Community Center and Pagosa Lakes Recreation Center.
Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving.