Special to The SUN
The Town Tourism Committee currently has one open at-large seat and is seeking letters of interest from individuals interested in serving.
The Town Tourism Committee is a volunteer advisory committee of the Town of Pagosa Springs. The committee is tasked with promoting tourism and is funded through the town’s lodgers tax collections.
Board members are required to attend monthly TTC board meetings, as well as actively participate in our subcommittees, ranging from budget, wayfinding/signage, marketing (including advertising, website, public relations, trade shows and central reservations system), events, special projects, fulfillment and more.
Letters of interest should be sent via e-mail to sales@visitpagosasprings.com or mailed to Town of Pagosa Springs, Attn.: Town Tourism Committee, P.O. Box 1859, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147.
Background information, meeting agendas and minutes can be found on the town’s website at: www.townofpagosasprings.gov, then Goverment, then Tourism Committee.
Letters of interest should be received no later than Wednesday, Feb. 12. Please contact Jennie Green at 903-9728 with any questions.