Support the skate park

Guest editorial

The Parks and Recreation Commission of the Town of Pagosa Springs held a community meeting on March 26. The purpose was to gauge community support for an expansion of the Yamaguchi Skate Park.

If the history of skate parks in Pagosa Springs is an indicator, support is there.

In early years, parents and youth worked alongside community members and town staff to create the first skate park in South Pagosa Park. While the park was less than ideal, it was intended to be temporary and it provided a place for skateboarders and bikers to practice their sports.

The youth involved in the process of building the first skate park, the current skate park and who are working on adding the new bowl feature have learned many valuable life lessons.

Dreams can come true, with lots of hard work and determination.

The assistance and support of family and community members is necessary.

You are not alone, others in the community have the same interests as you and care about you being successful.

Going before the town council and county commission isn’t easy, but if you have done your homework and present a strong case in a professional manner, support can be won.

Planning is necessary. Perseverance is necessary. These projects don’t happen overnight.

And so the community is moving to the next step -— creation of a bowl feature to be added to the current skate park.

The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.