By Peggy Duggan | St. Peter/St. Rosa Catholic Church Carmelitas
The Carmelitas altar society of St. Peter-St. Rosa Catholic Church will hold a community spring cleanup of the historic Rosa Cemetery from 9 a.m. to noon on May 21 in Arboles.
This cemetery was created when Navajo Lake Reservoir flooded Rosa and caused its graves to be moved to this new site.
The cemetery is located at the south end of County Road 975, immediately to the left after the state border cattle guard.
Attendees are asked to wear gloves and hats, and bring what they can, including rakes, shovels, Weedwackers and rider mowers. Morning coffee, water and lunch will be provided by the Arboles Carmelitas.
The event is open to all.
For more information, please call Peggy Duggan at (970) 883-2556.