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Six board spots up for grabs in May health service district election


Six spots on the Upper San Juan Health Service District (USJHSD) Board of Directors will be up for grabs in the district’s May 6 election.

The board oversees Pagosa Springs Medical Center, with the district serving Archuleta County, as well as portions of Hinsdale and Mineral counties.

The board approved a written resolution at its Jan. 21 meeting outlining many of the details of the election.

The following seats will appear on the ballot, per the resolution:

• The seat currently held by Kate Alfred, for a 4-year term.

• The seat currently held by Jason Cox, for a 4-year term.

• The seat currently held by Barbara Parada, for a 4-year term.

• The seat currently held by Martin “Marty” Rose, for a 4-year term.

• The seat currently held by Kathy Campbell, for a 2-year term.

• The seat currently held by Mark Floyd, for a 2-year term.

The terms of office for the existing directors will expire after their successors are elected and the successors take office.

It was noted during the meeting that typically there would be four positions up for four-year terms for the upcoming election, but resignations and appointments results in an increased number of positions on the ballot.

How the election will be held has not yet been determined.

“USJHSD will hold either a polling place election or a mail-in ballot election, as will be subsequently determined by USJHSD subject to compliance with all applicable laws then in effect. Such election will be held by USJHSD and does not have to be a coordinated election with the counties where the district is located,” the resolution explains.

If the only matter on the ballot is the election of directors and if, at the close of business on March 3 there are not more candidates than positions open, the election will be canceled and the candidates will be declared elected on March 4, according to the resolution.

How to run

Self-nomination and acceptance forms are available in person from Designated Election Official (DEO) Antoinette Martinez the DEO or by sending an email request to 

All candidates must file a completed Self-Nomination and Acceptance form with the DEO, with the completed form due by 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 28.

Completed forms can be filed with Martinez either by emailing the completed form to; by mailing the completed form attention to the DEO at Pagosa Springs Medical Center, 95 S. Pagosa Blvd., Pagosa Springs, CO 81147; or by delivering the completed form to Martinez in person during office hours.