By Becky Herman
Special to The PREVIEW
“We did a lot in a very short time.” That was Judy Johnson’s incredible understatement at the end of the first lunch of the new year at the Senior Center.
Judy was referring to the Herculean efforts put forth by every Archuleta Seniors, Inc. (ASI) Board member in order to get the new senior program up and running. Kudos to those board members and to the San Juan Basin Area Agency on Aging staff and RACoA Council for their encouragement and expertise.
It was a wonderful day. ASI didn’t really know what to expect. We hoped for a big turnout, but 61 guests for lunch far exceeded our wildest expectations. The kitchen staff coped beautifully with the large crowd, and the community center staff tracked down some much-needed extra chairs. The San Juan Mountain Boys played for three solid hours, not taking a break. And, finally, this from another board member at the end of the day, “It’s our first day, and we’ve already outgrown our space!”
If you weren’t fortunate enough to attend the celebration, we urge you to stop by and say hello. Talk to Michelle Lyall, the new program coordinator, and check out the new extended hours for the center, a policy change which will allow for many different types of early morning and afternoon activities.
The beginning of a new year signals a new membership year for Archuleta Seniors, Inc. Membership brings with it access to the library in the lounge as well as discounts from Pagosa merchants, including hair salons, restaurants and snack shops, health care and medical services, museums, parks and home decorating and gift shops. You will receive a generous discount at any of our three hot springs locations. Memberships are available Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. If you are unable to visit the center during those hours, stop by to pick up a membership packet from the office at your convenience; your membership form and $10 payment (for Jan. 1-Dec. 31) can be mailed in.
Another perk of membership is an occasional field trip, e.g., shopping in Durango or Farmington, riding on one of our local steam train excursions, visiting the repertory theater in Creede or visiting Navajo State Park or the Southern Ute Museum. This type of event will depend on the interest you show in participation. Let us know. Over 700 members, both locals and visitors, enjoy the many activities of ASI.
Activities at the center
Friday, Jan. 10 — Stitchin’ in the Kitchen, 10 a.m.; TBI Support Group, 10:30 a.m.; Gym walk, 12:30 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 13 — Gym walk, 12:30 p.m.; Canasta, 1 p.m.
Tuesday, Jan. 14 — Gym walk, 12:30 p.m.; Meditation for Healing, 1 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 10 — Porcupine meatballs, brown gravy, mashed potatoes, salad, parslied carrots, almond peaches, whole wheat bread.
Monday, Jan. 13 — Chicken alfredo, Harvard beets, cranberry sauce, whole wheat bread, salad, winter fruit salad.
Tuesday, Jan. 14 — Meatloaf with gravy, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, whole wheat roll, salad, fruited gelatin.
Wednesday, Jan. 15 — Baked salmon, brown rice, California vegetables, tomato/cucumber salad, blueberry muffin, half banana, sherbet.
Don’t forget, the new hours for meals are 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; salad whenever you like and your main meal whenever it’s announced.
Reservations are required by 9 a.m. of the day you want a meal; for your convenience, you can make reservations up to one week in advance. Temporarily, please use the following phone numbers for making reservations, 903-0788 (Becky Herman) or 264-0773 (Cheryl Wilkinson).