PREVIEW Columnist
The Pagosa Springs Senior Center is now in its second month under new management, yet there is still misunderstanding about what happened and why changes were made.
In 2013, Archuleta County made a budget-based decision not to manage the nutrition program and senior center. Archuleta Seniors, Inc. made a decision to undertake the nutrition program and manage the senior center — seniors supporting seniors.
Archuleta Seniors Inc. is responsible for the planning, coordination and delivery of Meals on Wheels, a congregate meal program in our dining room, and social and cultural activities for seniors in Archuleta County.
We are a small, nonprofit providing assistance to seniors. Our funding comes from Title III Older Americans Act grant funds through the San Juan Basin Area Agency on Aging. Archuleta County and the Town of Pagosa Springs agreed to continue to support the senior center with monies granted. They wanted Archuleta Seniors Inc. to run the program and expand the current services, but with less cost. We are also hoping to receive monies from fundraising efforts, grants from corporations, area civic groups, church groups and foundations, client contributions and from private donors like you. All donations are accepted. For convenience, you can access our donation page on
Please come check us out. We serve lunch on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Lunch is served from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. We also have coffee and hot tea and sometimes a snack from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Games are offered on Wednesday and Friday afternoons, but the center is open for seniors to socialize in the dining room Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. We look forward to seeing you there.
What’s happening
The dining room on Friday, Feb. 14, was full of surprises. The charged atmosphere inspired Charlotte Archuleta to play the piano and sing for us, which was a real treat.
We want to thank Cecilia Parsons for hosting our Valentine’s Day party. The beautiful cake and chocolates were fantastic and the Valentine cards and roses spread Valentine love around the dining room. The Shady Pine 4-H Club added to the festivities by bringing cookies and a giant Valentine card presented to the seniors. All this was topped of by a surprise poetry reading by “Dave the Poet” that touched the hearts of everyone in the room.
We look forward to bringing more festivities into the dining room, so be on the lookout for what’s next.
Diana Millan, the activities committee chairman, needs men’s socks with no holes in them, especially, brown, tan or white. Ladies boot socks can also be used.
All meals include our wonderful salad bar. Lunch is served from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 21 -— Veggie or meat lasagna, Italian veggies, bread sticks and strawberry banana mousse.
Monday, Feb. 24 -— Sausage, peppers and potatoes, coleslaw, roll and tapioca pudding.
Tuesday, Feb. 25- —Herbed baked chicken with gravy, spinach, carrots and mandarin oranges.
Wednesday, Feb. 26 — Salmon, brown rice pilaf, green beans, wheat roll and fresh fruit cup.
Reservations and cancellations are required. You can make a reservation at 264-2167 by 9 a.m. the morning of the day you would like to dine at the Pagosa Springs Senior Center. For your convenience, you can make your reservations in advance or have a standing reservation on days you know will always attend. Please cancel if you cannot attend on your standing reservation days.
Archuleta Seniors Inc. wishes to thank Archuleta County, the San Juan Basin Agency on Aging, the Town of Pagosa Springs, our clients and private donors for their continued support of the Pagosa Springs Senior Center.